The process of considering and applying to colleges or secondary schools can be very daunting.  Innumerably multiplying factors, conflicting interests, overwhelming hype, and competing priorities often bewilder parents and children alike.  This is a difficult yet crucial time of transition for a teenager becoming an independent adult and for parents propelling their fledgeling out of the nest!  At 1on1 we provide clarity, encouragement and support:

First, we aim at clarifying the choices, process and steps that need to be taken, e.g.  The 1on1 College Application Checklist.

dsc00008Secondly, we encourage open dialogue among all participants (students, parents, advisors, teachers and friends).  Only by openly acknowledging, expressing freely and listening carefully will we see all aspects, limitations and perspectives out in the open.  Raising issues, questioning and venting are all part of this.  We recommend that students initiate an ongoing dialogue with friends, teachers and advisors to begin facing this college/school adventure.  The more and sooner you communicate, the clearer you will become and the better prepared you will be at promoting your cause in the application essays and The 1on1 Interview.

Thirdly, we provide follow-through and support on a weekly basis to see that step-by-step goals have been met.  We provide feedback and practice for the essays, the interviews and 1on1 Test Preparation.

Finally, our favorite part is when we receive your phone call that, after all that agonizing, he or she got into a great school!